
Join Us Thursdays

(not every Thursday, schedule varies)

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A few frequently asked questions (FAQs):

Q = Question, not a dangerous conspiracy theorist.
A = Answer, to our best ability!

Q: Who can participate in these Zoom meetings?
A: Anyone wanting to find a way to get involved is welcome
, you do not need any prior political experience and these meetings are free and open for whenever you are able to join.
(Those who’d like to tip/compensate special speakers can do so directly to the speaker if they provide their information to do so.)

Q: What are these meetings about?
A: Topics will vary – 
from ‘how to mobilize’ information and training, to education/open discussion on issues with different speakers. This is a space for YOU to get involved however you are able to. If there is a topic or issue you are interested in or have questions on, you can let us know by completing the form linked to each meeting email.

 Q: I can’t attend this week, can I see a recording?
A: We currently do not record these meetings
to protect the privacy of attendees. If there are speakers, we will try to include their information and recommended follow up educational resources in the agenda linked to each meeting email so you can follow up on the topic on your own if you are interested.